12km & 14km Distance Run Training

We’re so excited to hear you’re looking to run 12km - 14km! If you’re aiming to do a 12km - 14km race or run, we’d expect you’ve already got a good basic run fitness level down pat and that you’re probably already running a few times per week. Our mid-distance run program attracts people of…Read more 12km & 14km Distance Run Training

Muscle Fibre Types

What are the different muscle fibre types? Understanding these will help you to recognise the different types of training we do and why – and how to incorporate into your own training.   Your body is an amazing and complex unit – comprised of multiple muscle groups that each have different uses.  No two of…Read more Muscle Fibre Types

Wallpaper: Consistency Quote

My favourite consistency quote is this:  Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them!  We have a sick child at my house and it's very easy to stay in bed that extra time. But I know that the ONLY feasible time for me to train…Read more Wallpaper: Consistency Quote